| TechChat - January09 Pt 2
‹bullettdsm› Don't worry the'll send it back. Don't need it in Mexico 13/01/2009 17:14:43 ‹DarkOne› Restarting e2fsck from the beginning... 13/01/2009 17:14:44 ‹cs82685› greg, don't mod, throw all seasons on the stock rims, I spent less than $500 installed for my tires :) 13/01/2009 17:14:51 ‹DarkOne› Ugh. Yeah, that's severe data loss, there. 13/01/2009 17:14:57 ‹cs82685› what am I saying, that takes the fun out of it 13/01/2009 17:15:13 ‹992gnt› that's where I'm headed - all seasons 13/01/2009 17:15:29 ‹bullettdsm› All seasons= boring 13/01/2009 17:15:30 ‹DarkOne› Inode table for group 2575 is not in group. (block 0) WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. Relocate? yes *snort* 13/01/2009 17:15:32 ‹barza21› you lost physical data or non physical data? 13/01/2009 17:15:34 ‹noboost› i hate that feeling.. :( always gives me the cold chills when i see data disappear 13/01/2009 17:15:44 ‹bullettdsm› Come on balls up guys 13/01/2009 17:16:11 ‹DR1665› so I've become a fan of Rotella T Synthetic 5w-40 oil 13/01/2009 17:16:27 ‹barza21› Señor Driggs 13/01/2009 17:16:27 ‹992gnt› dino, run chkdsk - fixes everything 13/01/2009 17:16:29 ‹barza21› ! 13/01/2009 17:16:31 ‹noboost› thats what i put in my bike 13/01/2009 17:16:34 ‹DR1665› lifter tick has been silenced at least 90% 13/01/2009 17:16:37 ‹DarkOne› lol @ greg 13/01/2009 17:16:40 ‹992gnt› what bike? 13/01/2009 17:16:44 ‹noboost› ninja 13/01/2009 17:16:45 ‹StuckintheskY› the ones I bought were ultra high performance summers 13/01/2009 17:16:45 ‹DR1665› odalay! 13/01/2009 17:16:51 ‹StuckintheskY› I live in austin, texas 13/01/2009 17:16:57 ‹992gnt› :barza 13/01/2009 17:17:15 ‹DR1665› hey Travis, just had a thought 13/01/2009 17:17:18 ‹992gnt› oh. rotella for a ninja? how european 13/01/2009 17:17:19 * DarkOne is in Houston 13/01/2009 17:17:22 * VX100 joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 17:17:27 ‹DR1665› if you've got a couple grand, you might want to talk to Avenger 13/01/2009 17:17:32 ‹992gnt› greg will be in houston soon 13/01/2009 17:17:33 ‹StuckintheskY› why? 13/01/2009 17:17:36 ‹DR1665› he has a 400whp 2GNT for sale in Houston 13/01/2009 17:17:45 ‹StuckintheskY› for how much? 13/01/2009 17:17:49 ‹barza21› videos? 13/01/2009 17:17:55 ‹barza21› his set up? 13/01/2009 17:17:59 ‹noboost› :shrug it works great imo... its fucking cheap compared to Mobil1 13/01/2009 17:18:00 ‹992gnt› todd! 13/01/2009 17:18:05 ‹DR1665› I don't know how much he wants for differnt parts, but he's been thinking about parting out for a year plus, now 13/01/2009 17:18:06 ‹StuckintheskY› non-turbo? 13/01/2009 17:18:13 ‹DR1665› turbo 13/01/2009 17:18:17 ‹VX100› yes? i'm here 13/01/2009 17:18:26 ‹DR1665› one of maybe 4 420As built by Bill Hahn Jr himself 13/01/2009 17:18:50 ‹barza21› Avenger = Bill Hahn Jr? 13/01/2009 17:18:59 ‹DR1665› no 13/01/2009 17:18:59 ‹992gnt› really? never looked into it. i run golden spectro in the bike and royal purple in the evo 13/01/2009 17:19:11 ‹DarkOne› No, BIll hahn Jr. = HRC 13/01/2009 17:19:12 ‹DR1665› rotella t is for diesels 13/01/2009 17:19:20 ‹DR1665› has more cleaning agents in it to combat the soot 13/01/2009 17:19:31 ‹noboost› yup 13/01/2009 17:19:44 ‹DR1665› not as much in the way of acid absorbtion like a gas oil 13/01/2009 17:20:01 ‹DR1665› $19/gallon at Wal-Mart 13/01/2009 17:20:11 ‹DR1665› (so it's the only thing that will get me to wal-mart, then) 13/01/2009 17:20:12 ‹cs82685› greg any first hand experience with whining transfer cases? 13/01/2009 17:20:13 ‹barza21› how much was Bill Hahn spraying when he hit the 500whp? 13/01/2009 17:20:24 ‹DR1665› 100shot? 13/01/2009 17:20:34 ‹barza21› how much psi? 13/01/2009 17:20:42 ‹barza21› was he running a 20g or a 25g? 13/01/2009 17:20:52 ‹DR1665› I think a 25G 13/01/2009 17:20:53 ‹992gnt› no, but i did explode a RS lsd last year 13/01/2009 17:21:00 ‹DR1665› Thura was running a GT30 13/01/2009 17:21:02 ‹cs82685› haha 13/01/2009 17:21:10 ‹barza21› what did he hit? 13/01/2009 17:21:11 ‹StuckintheskY› okay guys I have another question 13/01/2009 17:21:15 ‹barza21› has he ever dynoed it? 13/01/2009 17:21:17 ‹DR1665› shoot 13/01/2009 17:21:32 ‹DarkOne› DR1665, no he wasn't. 13/01/2009 17:21:32 * barza21 will attempt to answer a question... 13/01/2009 17:21:38 ‹DarkOne› he was running a 20g. 13/01/2009 17:21:50 ‹barza21› dyno numbers? 13/01/2009 17:21:53 ‹noboost› the Rotella T is perfect for wet-clutch bikes... doesnt break down the materials like other synthetics 13/01/2009 17:21:57 ‹DR1665› you know more than me 13/01/2009 17:21:59 ‹cs82685› I've got a question 13/01/2009 17:22:02 ‹DR1665› or were you talking Thura? 13/01/2009 17:22:13 ‹DR1665› we have questions 13/01/2009 17:22:33 ‹bullettdsm› What are they? 13/01/2009 17:22:35 ‹cs82685› how do you get something to show up with the little asterisk in italics? 13/01/2009 17:22:41 ‹DarkOne› /me 13/01/2009 17:22:43 ‹cs82685› I'm retarded 13/01/2009 17:22:46 * noboost has no idea 13/01/2009 17:22:50 ‹DarkOne› /help 13/01/2009 17:22:52 ‹StuckintheskY› These enkei's say rec. tired size is 205/55/16, 13/01/2009 17:22:54 ‹cs82685› noboost is a liar!!! 13/01/2009 17:23:25 ‹bullettdsm› point is? 13/01/2009 17:23:47 ‹cs82685› sky i've got a good site for you let me see if I've got it bookmarked 13/01/2009 17:24:16 ‹992gnt› i like my golden spectro crap, the clutches on that thing are really finicky 13/01/2009 17:24:24 ‹barza21› how much of a difference does it make in seconds, to run my eclipse down the 1/4 mile here in albuquerque, and then to run it down in florida? 13/01/2009 17:24:32 ‹992gnt› dino, you need some help? 13/01/2009 17:24:37 ‹barza21› lets say I run 17.00 here 13/01/2009 17:24:48 ‹barza21› how much do you think I will run down in florida? 13/01/2009 17:24:50 ‹barza21› 16.9 13/01/2009 17:24:51 ‹barza21› ? 13/01/2009 17:24:54 ‹barza21› 16.8 13/01/2009 17:24:57 ‹barza21› 16.6? 13/01/2009 17:24:59 ‹cs82685› 14.1 13/01/2009 17:25:00 ‹992gnt› its a dsm, it won't make it from alb to fla 13/01/2009 17:25:06 ‹cs82685› LMAO 13/01/2009 17:25:06 ‹noboost› lol 13/01/2009 17:25:18 ‹barza21› lol 13/01/2009 17:25:25 ‹VX100› if it's towed maybe 13/01/2009 17:25:32 ‹barza21› lol 13/01/2009 17:25:37 ‹DR1665› no idea, Oscar 13/01/2009 17:25:41 * eclipse982nrRST joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 17:25:52 ‹DR1665› you could PUSh that across the finish line 13/01/2009 17:25:54 ‹DR1665› or TOW it 13/01/2009 17:26:01 ‹barza21› a friend of mine told me that it should me a full second difference 13/01/2009 17:26:02 ‹cs82685› yeah Mike's back 13/01/2009 17:26:04 ‹bullettdsm› Todd box working? 13/01/2009 17:26:10 ‹barza21› but that is hard to beleive 13/01/2009 17:26:14 ‹barza21› a full second is alot 13/01/2009 17:26:30 ‹992gnt› is florida downhill or something? ‹barza21› I am way above sea level 13/01/2009 17:26:45 ‹barza21› its sealevel 13/01/2009 17:26:46 ‹cs82685› 1010tires.com has lots of great info on fitting tires to wheels sky 13/01/2009 17:26:50 ‹StuckintheskY› do you have it bookmarked 13/01/2009 17:26:59 ‹StuckintheskY› thanks 13/01/2009 17:27:02 ‹StuckintheskY› i'll check it out 13/01/2009 17:27:30 ‹VX100› not yet, haven't put much effort into it lately 13/01/2009 17:27:31 ‹eclipse982nrRST› / hola again 13/01/2009 17:27:34 ‹StuckintheskY› says I'm not authorized 13/01/2009 17:27:34 ‹eclipse982nrRST› woops 13/01/2009 17:27:39 ‹barza21› hello sir 13/01/2009 17:27:48 ‹barza21› when will we see the 400whp? 13/01/2009 17:27:51 ‹eclipse982nrRST› sup osca 13/01/2009 17:27:59 ‹eclipse982nrRST› spring time hopefully 13/01/2009 17:28:00 ‹VX100› i'm going to double check all the ground wires 13/01/2009 17:28:05 ‹VX100› before anything else 13/01/2009 17:28:38 ‹barza21› if everything goes like planned, I should be spooling the 35r by summer! 13/01/2009 17:28:45 ‹eclipse982nrRST› if it wasnt so fucking cold, the project would possible be done 13/01/2009 17:28:47 ‹bullettdsm› still at it then, if I can help, let me know. 13/01/2009 17:28:49 * barza21 just gets excited by thinking of it! 13/01/2009 17:28:51 ‹eclipse982nrRST› nice oscar 13/01/2009 17:29:20 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i get excited to just hear my engine run again 13/01/2009 17:29:28 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i cant wait to see what the 2.2 sounds like 13/01/2009 17:29:38 ‹barza21› cams? 13/01/2009 17:29:39 ‹DarkOne› sounds like a 2.0L 13/01/2009 17:29:43 ‹barza21› LOL 13/01/2009 17:29:56 ‹DR1665› curious 13/01/2009 17:30:00 ‹eclipse982nrRST› not with a 2' glass pack is doesnt :) 13/01/2009 17:30:48 ‹DR1665› thats like 24" 13/01/2009 17:30:49 ‹eclipse982nrRST› cams, yes i do have some 13/01/2009 17:30:52 ‹VX100› thanks Mark, once I get past the easy stuff a knuckelhead like me can do, I'll let you know 13/01/2009 17:30:57 ‹eclipse982nrRST› indeed, it is brian 13/01/2009 17:31:00 ‹barza21› crower turbos? 13/01/2009 17:31:08 ‹DR1665› two of 'em 13/01/2009 17:31:12 ‹eclipse982nrRST› no crower 2 n/a 13/01/2009 17:31:14 ‹barza21› lol 13/01/2009 17:31:17 ‹DR1665› and Harry, I need 'em by TONITE 13/01/2009 17:31:26 ‹eclipse982nrRST› hahaha 13/01/2009 17:31:36 * noboost doesnt like the tuna here 13/01/2009 17:31:47 ‹eclipse982nrRST› lmao 13/01/2009 17:31:53 ‹DR1665› NOBODY LIKES THE TUNA HERE 13/01/2009 17:31:59 * barza21 would offer noboost tuna but noboost is to far away 13/01/2009 17:32:01 ‹eclipse982nrRST› no body likes the tuna! 13/01/2009 17:32:09 ‹barza21› I like tuna 13/01/2009 17:32:17 ‹noboost› nobody likes the tuna here, asshole 13/01/2009 17:32:23 ‹eclipse982nrRST› I like rice 13/01/2009 17:32:28 ‹DR1665› an' a MoTec system exhaust 13/01/2009 17:32:38 ‹barza21› I made some yesterday and made myself like 5 tuna sandwiches 13/01/2009 17:32:48 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i like tuna with no bread 13/01/2009 17:32:48 ‹barza21› it was good 13/01/2009 17:32:57 ‹eclipse982nrRST› and im still fat as fuck 13/01/2009 17:33:05 ‹barza21› with some type of asian sause 13/01/2009 17:33:09 ‹barza21› LOL 13/01/2009 17:33:11 ‹noboost› asian bater? 13/01/2009 17:33:22 ‹bullettdsm› Mike you should rethink those crower 2's Should be C3's. I'll trade straight up? 13/01/2009 17:33:27 ‹barza21› :squint 13/01/2009 17:34:27 ‹eclipse982nrRST› I heard the C3's are pretty hardcore 13/01/2009 17:34:39 ‹barza21› arent they overkill for turbo? 13/01/2009 17:34:40 ‹DR1665› C3s bad for reversion at higher boost levels, AFAIK 13/01/2009 17:34:52 ‹DR1665› found my project for next weekend! 13/01/2009 17:34:53 ‹DR1665› http://www.dsmtuners.com/forum...1720501 13/01/2009 17:34:55 ‹eclipse982nrRST› Thats what I thought 13/01/2009 17:34:58 ‹barza21› the overlap would kill it right? 13/01/2009 17:35:10 ‹DarkOne› even low boost levels. flat too much overlap. 13/01/2009 17:35:22 ‹barza21› I did the calculation when I was gonna buy mine, and thats why I didnt get them 13/01/2009 17:35:36 ‹eclipse982nrRST› stay away from my c2's mark :) 13/01/2009 17:35:44 ‹barza21› LOL 13/01/2009 17:36:12 ‹eclipse982nrRST› oscar, what are you doing for an exhaust manifold? 13/01/2009 17:36:23 ‹bullettdsm› Damn you caught me Mike. I needthose c2's 13/01/2009 17:36:34 ‹eclipse982nrRST› yeah, a lot of people do mark! 13/01/2009 17:36:43 ‹cs82685› you coulda bought them if you didn't buy another dsm :P 13/01/2009 17:36:44 ‹bullettdsm› Lol 13/01/2009 17:36:57 * DR1665 waits to read post about Crower "Bullett" Cams for turbo 2GNT 13/01/2009 17:37:01 ‹bullettdsm› true cory 13/01/2009 17:37:08 ‹eclipse982nrRST› haha 13/01/2009 17:37:21 ‹barza21› I will probably speak with AMM 13/01/2009 17:37:25 ‹eclipse982nrRST› I think I will buy my TIG early Feb 13/01/2009 17:37:27 ‹barza21› Driggs recomended him 13/01/2009 17:37:30 ‹bullettdsm› I just got off the phone with my NA grinds 13/01/2009 17:37:35 ‹eclipse982nrRST› AMM is awesome yes 13/01/2009 17:37:38 ‹barza21› or maybe quicksilver 13/01/2009 17:37:41 * noboost tabs over to write post about Crower "NoBoost Fabrications" Cams for turbo 2GNT 13/01/2009 17:37:43 ‹barza21› probably AMM 13/01/2009 17:37:46 ‹bullettdsm› A lot likecrane 28's 13/01/2009 17:37:57 ‹eclipse982nrRST› me and peachy had some awesome idea's for me 13/01/2009 17:38:18 ‹bullettdsm› Peachy's a smart man 13/01/2009 17:38:18 ‹noboost› just so you guys know, im going to unveil the first VTEC cam for teh 420a 13/01/2009 17:38:19 ‹eclipse982nrRST› and i ended up going the top mount route 13/01/2009 17:38:27 ‹DR1665› like routing the intake pipe through the cabin and out the passenger window so you can hear the VEEEETeK? 13/01/2009 17:38:30 ‹eclipse982nrRST› peachy is amazing 13/01/2009 17:38:36 ‹barza21› I liked Terrys manifold design, and the results that he got were pretty good, but I can bet it will be expensive as hell, so... 13/01/2009 17:38:56 ‹barza21› LOL> ‹barza21› I am rereading on manifold design on the maximum boost, but it is kinda vauge 13/01/2009 17:39:35 ‹barza21› so I am searching online 13/01/2009 17:39:57 ‹bullettdsm› I'm an NA guy. I HATE bends, lol 13/01/2009 17:39:57 ‹eclipse982nrRST› fuck reading online, just ask peachy...he will give you a HUGE run down 13/01/2009 17:39:58 ‹cs82685› all this talk is making me hungry, time to leave work and eat dinner 13/01/2009 17:40:06 ‹cs82685› mike ya lazy ass 13/01/2009 17:40:23 ‹cs82685› later all 13/01/2009 17:40:25 ‹eclipse982nrRST› pffffhhh, have you ever had an convo with peachy? 13/01/2009 17:40:27 ‹DR1665› Mark, I *dare* you to mount your ITBs on 2ft tall runners that come through the hood 13/01/2009 17:40:34 ‹DR1665› like one of those old Dodge pickups 13/01/2009 17:40:49 ‹DR1665› (only the pickups had exhaust stacks) 13/01/2009 17:40:51 ‹eclipse982nrRST› he taught me more in one email than i could read for a months worth online, lol 13/01/2009 17:41:03 ‹eclipse982nrRST› mike dares you too 13/01/2009 17:41:05 ‹DR1665› queue nob00 picture of 2GNT with side pipes 13/01/2009 17:41:08 ‹barza21› peachy = AMM? 13/01/2009 17:41:23 ‹DR1665› dont think so 13/01/2009 17:41:23 ‹eclipse982nrRST› be like that one kid who cut out the hole in his hood for his t90000 turbo 13/01/2009 17:41:37 ‹eclipse982nrRST› peachy = quiksilver 13/01/2009 17:41:51 ‹eclipse982nrRST› mike = amm 13/01/2009 17:41:58 * barza21 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:41:58 * barza21 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:41:58 * barza21 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:41:58 * quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:42:05 ‹cs82685› i have talked with peachy, but only about him buying a head off me, so no crazy info that will make my head spin 13/01/2009 17:42:10 ‹DR1665› noflood 13/01/2009 17:42:25 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i will make your head spin 13/01/2009 17:42:27 ‹noboost› wat 13/01/2009 17:42:45 ‹DR1665› Corey, did you say something earlier about xfer case whine? 13/01/2009 17:42:46 * cs82685 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:42:46 * cs82685 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:42:53 ‹DR1665› fail 13/01/2009 17:42:53 ‹noboost› oh. http://whack.org/~dan/car/stup...pes.jpg 13/01/2009 17:43:02 ‹eclipse982nrRST› whatever hapened to stone cold steve austion and the rock? 13/01/2009 17:43:27 ‹DR1665› they went back to eightth grade 13/01/2009 17:43:27 ‹eclipse982nrRST› camber appears to be in spec atleast :) 13/01/2009 17:43:33 ‹barza21› http://i106.photobucket.com/al...ech.jpg 13/01/2009 17:43:35 ‹barza21› LOL 13/01/2009 17:43:36 ‹DR1665› sportlinez 13/01/2009 17:44:02 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i seen wrestling on yesterday and havent watched that in like 4 years 13/01/2009 17:44:08 ‹bullettdsm› ITB FTMFW 13/01/2009 17:44:13 ‹eclipse982nrRST› those guys arent even in the picture anymore 13/01/2009 17:44:41 ‹eclipse982nrRST› mark you never did post pics of your turbo engine 13/01/2009 17:44:51 ‹DR1665› it's SECRET 13/01/2009 17:44:59 ‹bullettdsm› Hmm, thought I did 13/01/2009 17:45:07 ‹DR1665› Mark has a twin-turbo LS1 in his 2GNT now 13/01/2009 17:45:08 ‹bullettdsm› Must be secret to me too 13/01/2009 17:45:10 ‹eclipse982nrRST› yeah like 3 night time pics 13/01/2009 17:45:21 ‹bullettdsm› Yup that was them, lol 13/01/2009 17:45:34 ‹eclipse982nrRST› fuck those 13/01/2009 17:45:34 ‹bullettdsm› I'm not much for bling, 13/01/2009 17:45:40 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i wanted to see the peachy manifold 13/01/2009 17:45:49 ‹barza21› what's the for the cobra engine? 13/01/2009 17:46:07 ‹bullettdsm› Ah, I'll be back 13/01/2009 17:46:08 ‹barza21› what's the code 13/01/2009 17:46:20 ‹barza21› anybody? 13/01/2009 17:46:24 ‹eclipse982nrRST› code is 0f5hdjr44 13/01/2009 17:46:29 ‹DR1665› the code is "COBRA-LALALALALA!" 13/01/2009 17:46:45 ‹barza21› *-) 13/01/2009 17:46:58 ‹eclipse982nrRST› brian how is married life treating you 13/01/2009 17:47:13 ‹DR1665› the Cobra engine, when combined with Flowmasters, makes music for people to get buck an' krunk to. 13/01/2009 17:47:16 ‹VX100› obviously it's not helping his sanity 13/01/2009 17:47:17 ‹DR1665› good 13/01/2009 17:47:22 ‹bullettdsm› There you go http://i215.photobucket.com/al...035.jpg 13/01/2009 17:47:30 ‹992gnt› he never had any to begin with 13/01/2009 17:47:38 ‹eclipse982nrRST› you MOTHER FUCKER! 13/01/2009 17:47:41 ‹DR1665› damn, you, Mark 13/01/2009 17:47:45 ‹bullettdsm› Lol 13/01/2009 17:48:08 ‹DR1665› sanity is a rare pursuit imo 13/01/2009 17:48:08 ‹noboost› eyebleach, aisle 5 13/01/2009 17:48:16 ‹eclipse982nrRST› lmao 13/01/2009 17:48:18 ‹barza21› LMAO 13/01/2009 17:48:20 ‹VX100› ouch, my corneas 13/01/2009 17:48:24 ‹DR1665› STAB STAB STAB 13/01/2009 17:48:41 ‹eclipse982nrRST› instant head ache 13/01/2009 17:48:43 ‹eclipse982nrRST› fuck! 13/01/2009 17:48:47 ‹992gnt› yar? 13/01/2009 17:49:00 ‹bullettdsm› try this instead http://www.putfile.com/pic/8358615 13/01/2009 17:49:01 ‹DarkOne› I'd probably do 'er. 13/01/2009 17:49:02 ‹DR1665› you guys will probably laugh at this, but Sunday night, when I was in the garage 13/01/2009 17:49:15 ‹DR1665› I was actually taking the time to clean everything before I re-installed it 13/01/2009 17:49:28 ‹bullettdsm› Driggs lies 13/01/2009 17:49:32 ‹VX100› picking up bad habits from me or something? 13/01/2009 17:49:39 ‹DR1665› I felt like one of those guys in the oil commercials who they always show wiping off a wrench or something 13/01/2009 17:49:45 ‹DR1665› heh 13/01/2009 17:50:09 ‹eclipse982nrRST› damn, this might load within the next hour 13/01/2009 17:50:19 ‹DR1665› trying to make sure that anything I install on 464 will be clean as a whistle 13/01/2009 17:50:32 ‹992gnt› good plan 13/01/2009 17:50:37 ‹barza21› ohh, I'm not the only one having loading issues then... 13/01/2009 17:50:37 ‹bullettdsm› putfile sucks 13/01/2009 17:51:05 ‹eclipse982nrRST› why did you mount the turbo that way mark? ‹DR1665› thanks, Greg 13/01/2009 17:51:43 ‹bullettdsm› Best fitment best exhaust 13/01/2009 17:51:43 ‹barza21› I'm guessing he wanted to be different? 13/01/2009 17:51:51 ‹barza21› ohhh nvm 13/01/2009 17:52:03 ‹bullettdsm› fewer less sharp bends 13/01/2009 17:52:05 ‹eclipse982nrRST› gotcha 13/01/2009 17:52:19 ‹bullettdsm› NA at heart baby 13/01/2009 17:52:22 ‹eclipse982nrRST› nice manifold 13/01/2009 17:52:26 * teklein joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 17:52:34 ‹DarkOne› *sigh* 13/01/2009 17:52:38 ‹barza21› mr teklein! 13/01/2009 17:52:38 ‹bullettdsm› Peachy's mani 13/01/2009 17:52:42 ‹DarkOne› We're supposed to be looking at flooring right now. 13/01/2009 17:52:42 ‹DR1665› the only time when half-ass, ugly repairs are allowed are when there is a DNF looming and expensive entry fees have been paid 13/01/2009 17:52:45 ‹teklein› Hammars.... 13/01/2009 17:52:47 ‹992gnt› data gone? 13/01/2009 17:52:47 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i will trade you my c2;s for your quaife 13/01/2009 17:52:50 ‹DR1665› flooring 13/01/2009 17:53:06 ‹DR1665› HAMMARS! 13/01/2009 17:53:09 ‹bullettdsm› LOL, I'm thinking 13/01/2009 17:53:13 ‹teklein› Not good Hammars. 13/01/2009 17:53:17 ‹teklein› I dont want to be hammars. 13/01/2009 17:53:17 ‹992gnt› hammars? 13/01/2009 17:53:19 ‹barza21› thats not a bad deal 13/01/2009 17:53:22 ‹DR1665› hammers is always good 13/01/2009 17:53:26 ‹992gnt› yes you do 13/01/2009 17:53:28 ‹barza21› the quaife hasnt helped me at all! 13/01/2009 17:53:30 ‹DR1665› your situation is hammerd 13/01/2009 17:53:31 ‹bullettdsm› Not bad for Mike 13/01/2009 17:53:36 ‹DR1665› there's a difference 13/01/2009 17:53:41 ‹eclipse982nrRST› :) 13/01/2009 17:53:41 ‹barza21› I spin my tires more than ever 13/01/2009 17:53:46 ‹teklein› My situation? 13/01/2009 17:53:47 ‹eclipse982nrRST› im on a stock dif 13/01/2009 17:53:57 ‹barza21› I have a quaife in my tranny right now 13/01/2009 17:54:14 ‹eclipse982nrRST› okay give me your trans then 13/01/2009 17:54:19 ‹teklein› Anywyas, back to mor hammars. 13/01/2009 17:54:20 ‹eclipse982nrRST› trade tranny's straight up 13/01/2009 17:54:20 ‹DR1665› Hi, Tim. My name is Brian. I follow you on Twitter. I tend to know things you talk about there. 13/01/2009 17:54:22 ‹teklein› I uess. 13/01/2009 17:54:27 ‹barza21› if I launch at 3500 I spin, if I launch at 4500 how I used to do before it goes thru the whole first gear spining 13/01/2009 17:54:28 ‹DR1665› :P 13/01/2009 17:54:31 ‹teklein› Oh hey Driggs! 13/01/2009 17:54:32 ‹eclipse982nrRST› mine s a 3.55 with 6k miles on it 13/01/2009 17:54:42 ‹teklein› Anyways, I gtg. 13/01/2009 17:54:46 ‹teklein› Good luck tech chat. 13/01/2009 17:54:48 ‹teklein› Ill miss you. 13/01/2009 17:54:49 ‹DR1665› good luck, Tim 13/01/2009 17:54:53 ‹barza21› ohh, I still have the 3.94, 13/01/2009 17:54:55 ‹barza21› see ya 13/01/2009 17:54:58 ‹eclipse982nrRST› today is tech chat again? 13/01/2009 17:55:02 ‹teklein› ... 13/01/2009 17:55:07 ‹teklein› Read announcement s Mike. 13/01/2009 17:55:16 ‹eclipse982nrRST› i try to 13/01/2009 17:55:21 ‹noboost› Announcement: TEKLEINISHAMMARS.COM 13/01/2009 17:55:22 ‹teklein› Laters 13/01/2009 17:55:30 ‹teklein› Yes noboost. 13/01/2009 17:55:30 ‹barza21› see ya 13/01/2009 17:55:32 ‹teklein› Hammars. 13/01/2009 17:55:34 ‹noboost› :p 13/01/2009 17:55:38 ‹DR1665› so some friends of mine were out at a bar last week one night 13/01/2009 17:55:46 ‹DR1665› one guy was really smashed 13/01/2009 17:55:50 ‹DR1665› smoking out on the patio 13/01/2009 17:55:55 ‹teklein› lol. 13/01/2009 17:56:00 ‹DR1665› his wife was inside, at the bar 13/01/2009 17:56:05 * DarkOne cracks his RockStar and gives up all hope 13/01/2009 17:56:10 ‹eclipse982nrRST› and you grabbed her butt 13/01/2009 17:56:17 ‹eclipse982nrRST› im out 13/01/2009 17:56:23 ‹barza21› see ya 13/01/2009 17:56:25 ‹DR1665› fate: someone opening the patio door to come outside when you're saying, "My wife's a fucking bitch!" 13/01/2009 17:56:25 ‹VX100› she was giving you a lap dance ??? 13/01/2009 17:56:36 ‹DR1665› we didn't see him for like four days 13/01/2009 17:56:36 ‹teklein› LOL drggsy 13/01/2009 17:56:39 ‹noboost› sry dino :( tell em the microsoft tech told you to reformat reinstall 13/01/2009 17:56:49 ‹teklein› Im hitting keyss im not suppoosed to. 13/01/2009 17:56:51 ‹teklein› Im out. 13/01/2009 17:56:56 ‹DR1665› blame Canada 13/01/2009 17:56:56 * eclipse982nrRST quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:56:59 ‹barza21› LOL 13/01/2009 17:57:00 ‹DR1665› latz tim 13/01/2009 17:57:02 ‹teklein› noboost, you are the fucking man. 13/01/2009 17:57:02 ‹noboost› CANADA. 13/01/2009 17:57:19 ‹DR1665› CANADA IS NOT AMUSED 13/01/2009 17:57:30 * teklein wonders why he cann typ[e better on palm than fullsize keyboard. ‹bullettdsm› I thought you left? 13/01/2009 17:57:50 ‹barza21› lol 13/01/2009 17:57:55 ‹noboost› roll face across it 13/01/2009 17:57:55 ‹teklein› I keep saying I will but i cant. 13/01/2009 17:58:01 ‹DR1665› need help? 13/01/2009 17:58:08 ‹teklein› Now im really leaving. 13/01/2009 17:58:14 ‹teklein› Latez! 13/01/2009 17:58:20 ‹barza21› see ya 13/01/2009 17:58:25 ‹bullettdsm› Don't threaten me 13/01/2009 17:58:50 * teklein quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 17:58:59 ‹barza21› I'm gonna look for something to eat 13/01/2009 17:59:23 ‹barza21› I will see you guys when I see you guys, later 13/01/2009 17:59:34 ‹bullettdsm› Crap wife needs the computer to do actual paid work on. Gotta go for a bit leterz 13/01/2009 17:59:39 ‹DR1665› before I forget, there are a number of us on Twitter, so if you're new and have a question at some random point during an install or something, you can ask a question and get a pretty quick reply. 13/01/2009 17:59:43 ‹DR1665› later, Mark 13/01/2009 18:00:03 * barza21 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:00:06 ‹992gnt› dino, did you ask the paperclip dude for help? press F1 13/01/2009 18:00:21 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:00:28 * bullettdsm quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:00:32 ‹DR1665› http://2gnt.com/twit.php 13/01/2009 18:01:05 ‹VX100› wife's stealing the computer; i'll be back 13/01/2009 18:01:13 ‹DR1665› later, Todd * VX100 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:01:44 * VX100 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:02:11 ‹DR1665› now might be a good time to sneak a smoke and update the chat log in the wiki 13/01/2009 18:02:13 * bullettdsm joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 18:02:25 ‹noboost› abuse of this application will lead to IMMEDIATE ACCOUNT TERMINATION! sounds like a challenge 13/01/2009 18:02:40 ‹992gnt› you can doo eet! 13/01/2009 18:03:04 ‹noboost› i see adam already had his face rubbed in it 13/01/2009 18:03:21 ‹bullettdsm› back on laptop slowwww typing 13/01/2009 18:03:59 ‹DR1665› aye 13/01/2009 18:04:23 ‹adamzty› shuddup noboost 13/01/2009 18:04:25 ‹adamzty› :) 13/01/2009 18:04:35 ‹noboost› doesnt the complete and utter lack of threading or conversation following bother you? 13/01/2009 18:04:42 ‹DR1665› I think we've reached a limit to how big a single wiki article can be 13/01/2009 18:04:48 ‹DR1665› have updated twice, but not showing 13/01/2009 18:04:48 ‹992gnt› bs 13/01/2009 18:04:50 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:04:52 ‹992gnt› try harder 13/01/2009 18:05:06 ‹992gnt› hit F1 13/01/2009 18:05:10 ‹DR1665› I'm trying 13/01/2009 18:05:18 ‹noboost› hit F1 harder 13/01/2009 18:05:23 ‹DarkOne› heh 13/01/2009 18:05:24 ‹DarkOne› may be. 13/01/2009 18:05:30 ‹992gnt› i thought you guys knew computers 13/01/2009 18:06:52 ‹DR1665› I know computers are things 13/01/2009 18:06:52 ‹adamzty› go guys, would this work in our cars? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors...meZWDVW 13/01/2009 18:06:56 ‹DR1665› n stuff 13/01/2009 18:06:57 ‹adamzty› *so 13/01/2009 18:07:18 ‹noboost› I though Dino's pic was a vage, then I realized it was his goat 13/01/2009 18:07:20 ‹noboost› *snort 13/01/2009 18:07:39 ‹DR1665› :kewl 13/01/2009 18:08:15 ‹DR1665› ok 13/01/2009 18:08:19 ‹DR1665› brb - (c) 13/01/2009 18:08:24 ‹DR1665› er (ci) 13/01/2009 18:08:50 ‹992gnt› what pic? 13/01/2009 18:08:53 ‹adamzty› dont smoke Driggs 13/01/2009 18:08:59 ‹adamzty› its bad for your health 13/01/2009 18:10:17 ‹992gnt› i can't believe i don't have a pic of driggs with a smoke... 13/01/2009 18:10:40 ‹noboost› http://whack.org/~dan/driggsnips.jpg 13/01/2009 18:10:52 ‹noboost› ^^ driggs with funnels 13/01/2009 18:10:59 ‹992gnt› haha just saw that one 13/01/2009 18:11:07 ‹noboost› http://whack.org/~dan/driggsbent.jpg 13/01/2009 18:11:14 ‹noboost› ^^ driggs with a smoker 13/01/2009 18:11:17 ‹noboost› :shrug 13/01/2009 18:11:44 ‹992gnt› but no smokes? i thought for sure he had a smoke in his hand as he was draped over the grill 13/01/2009 18:12:12 ‹noboost› my california subconcious might have cropped out his right hand 13/01/2009 18:14:16 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...254.JPG 13/01/2009 18:14:58 ‹DR1665› looks like dino has wings/horns/somethin 13/01/2009 18:15:04 ‹noboost› the lawn has stigmata 13/01/2009 18:15:11 ‹992gnt› duh 13/01/2009 18:15:39 ‹DR1665› just think, In four months, there will be pictures of nob00st DOTI 13/01/2009 18:16:01 ‹noboost› and fenix now that i have her hooked on red wine 13/01/2009 18:16:16 ‹DR1665› diabolical plan in effect 13/01/2009 18:16:29 ‹DR1665› wine = hangovers 13/01/2009 18:16:51 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...661.JPG ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...661.JPG 13/01/2009 18:17:10 ‹noboost› i dunno she went from falling asleep after two fruity drinks at a restaurant to a whole bottle of fruity wine in one night 13/01/2009 18:17:46 ‹noboost› ill take whatever i can get 13/01/2009 18:17:47 ‹DR1665› win 13/01/2009 18:18:00 ‹DR1665› vegas was good times 13/01/2009 18:18:02 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...681.JPG 13/01/2009 18:18:10 ‹DR1665› you can see Sean in the picture 13/01/2009 18:18:47 ‹DR1665› Dino - is Sean going to make the wedding? 13/01/2009 18:19:00 * bullettdsm quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:19:09 ‹DR1665› "1,2,3 get away from me" 13/01/2009 18:19:12 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:19:13 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...736.JPG 13/01/2009 18:19:29 ‹noboost› dad? 13/01/2009 18:19:42 ‹DR1665› Jen 13/01/2009 18:20:07 ‹992gnt› who? 13/01/2009 18:20:14 ‹DR1665› wat 13/01/2009 18:20:25 ‹992gnt› forgot a "t" 13/01/2009 18:20:33 ‹992gnt› :barza 13/01/2009 18:20:44 ‹DR1665› lulz 13/01/2009 18:21:19 ‹DR1665› when V and I went back for our 1yr, we came across a bum like that 13/01/2009 18:21:25 ‹DR1665› he had plastic horns on his head 13/01/2009 18:21:31 ‹992gnt› nice 13/01/2009 18:21:42 ‹DR1665› walked right up to us and said something about a his gift to us 13/01/2009 18:21:54 ‹DR1665› we said thanks and kept walking 13/01/2009 18:22:06 ‹DR1665› 20 seconds later, he was shouting at the top of his lungs 13/01/2009 18:22:27 ‹DR1665› "I just shit my fucking pants! What're you gonna do about THAT?" 13/01/2009 18:22:34 ‹DR1665› WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT? 13/01/2009 18:22:39 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...065.JPG 13/01/2009 18:22:42 ‹DR1665› Vegas is full of win 13/01/2009 18:22:59 ‹DR1665› Greg is bringing chairs 13/01/2009 18:23:34 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...088.JPG ‹992gnt› HAMMARS!!!!! 13/01/2009 18:23:55 ‹DR1665› lmao 13/01/2009 18:24:03 ‹DR1665› I love when you check out the pictures of Thura on FB 13/01/2009 18:24:15 ‹DR1665› there's like 10 where he's the only one in the picture 13/01/2009 18:24:18 ‹DR1665› drunk off his ass 13/01/2009 18:24:29 ‹DR1665› and the little tool tip pops up "Thura Htein" 13/01/2009 18:24:33 ‹DR1665› "thura" 13/01/2009 18:24:35 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...094.JPG 13/01/2009 18:24:36 ‹DR1665› "thura" 13/01/2009 18:24:39 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:25:04 ‹noboost› were those chairs manufactured in Normal IL perchance? 13/01/2009 18:25:06 ‹DR1665› anyone have pics of the vienna sausage incident? 13/01/2009 18:25:08 * DR1665 wonders if he does 13/01/2009 18:25:50 ‹992gnt› that was the room, but i have no pics of the sausaging 13/01/2009 18:26:13 ‹DR1665› I'm checking az2gnt 13/01/2009 18:28:26 ‹DR1665› http://www.az2gnt.net/events/r...27.html 13/01/2009 18:28:29 ‹DR1665› 2005 13/01/2009 18:28:49 ‹992gnt› death cacti 13/01/2009 18:29:09 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...312.jpg 13/01/2009 18:29:21 ‹992gnt› a kinder, gentler darkone... 13/01/2009 18:29:29 ‹DR1665› Uncle Dino 13/01/2009 18:29:48 ‹noboost› crap, is that blood on xbox? 13/01/2009 18:30:04 ‹DarkOne› Was I drunk? 13/01/2009 18:30:14 ‹DarkOne› Because i don't remember hanging out with the kids. 13/01/2009 18:30:15 ‹992gnt› not at that point 13/01/2009 18:30:17 ‹DR1665› nope 13/01/2009 18:30:20 ‹noboost› and greg, no the caption on that one is "Dino explains 2girls1cup to the youngsters" 13/01/2009 18:30:21 ‹DR1665› beer 13/01/2009 18:30:25 ‹DarkOne› Where the hell was I? 13/01/2009 18:30:29 ‹DarkOne› Was that your house, Greg? 13/01/2009 18:30:29 ‹DR1665› he was sharing a drink with stan's lint roller 13/01/2009 18:30:30 ‹992gnt› haha 13/01/2009 18:30:31 ‹DR1665› http://www.az2gnt.net/events/r...27.html 13/01/2009 18:30:39 ‹noboost› oh ok i was like um thats a lot of blood for cactus holes 13/01/2009 18:31:51 ‹DR1665› only took him 3 years to make it happen 13/01/2009 18:32:00 ‹DR1665› well, 2, since it was 2007, from what I hear 13/01/2009 18:33:28 ‹DR1665› chairs http://az2gnt.net/events/room2...15.html 13/01/2009 18:34:11 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...med.jpg 13/01/2009 18:35:17 ‹DR1665› the original hammers 13/01/2009 18:35:21 ‹DR1665› classic 13/01/2009 18:35:37 ‹992gnt› whird 13/01/2009 18:35:46 ‹DR1665› funny, there were strippers at 2 out of 3 so far 13/01/2009 18:35:58 ‹DR1665› Dino's Hammers should make that 3 out of 4, imo 13/01/2009 18:35:59 ‹992gnt› que? 13/01/2009 18:36:08 ‹DR1665› your birthday 13/01/2009 18:36:10 ‹992gnt› oh, nevermind 13/01/2009 18:36:13 ‹DR1665› my bachelor's 13/01/2009 18:36:18 ‹992gnt› good god i'm getting old 13/01/2009 18:36:29 ‹DR1665› Thura did kinda get naked, but that doesn't count 13/01/2009 18:36:37 ‹992gnt› how could i forget the vegas strip club experience 13/01/2009 18:36:49 ‹DR1665› upside down with her ass in his face 13/01/2009 18:36:52 ‹DR1665› asian twins? 13/01/2009 18:36:57 ‹992gnt› right 13/01/2009 18:37:03 ‹DR1665› I smelled like hooker poon for days after that 13/01/2009 18:37:27 ‹992gnt› we just kept pitching 20's at them * VX100 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:01:44 * VX100 quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:02:11 ‹DR1665› now might be a good time to sneak a smoke and update the chat log in the wiki 13/01/2009 18:02:13 * bullettdsm joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 18:02:25 ‹noboost› abuse of this application will lead to IMMEDIATE ACCOUNT TERMINATION! sounds like a challenge 13/01/2009 18:02:40 ‹992gnt› you can doo eet! 13/01/2009 18:03:04 ‹noboost› i see adam already had his face rubbed in it 13/01/2009 18:03:21 ‹bullettdsm› back on laptop slowwww typing 13/01/2009 18:03:59 ‹DR1665› aye 13/01/2009 18:04:23 ‹adamzty› shuddup noboost 13/01/2009 18:04:25 ‹adamzty› :) 13/01/2009 18:04:35 ‹noboost› doesnt the complete and utter lack of threading or conversation following bother you? 13/01/2009 18:04:42 ‹DR1665› I think we've reached a limit to how big a single wiki article can be 13/01/2009 18:04:48 ‹DR1665› have updated twice, but not showing 13/01/2009 18:04:48 ‹992gnt› bs 13/01/2009 18:04:50 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:04:52 ‹992gnt› try harder 13/01/2009 18:05:06 ‹992gnt› hit F1 13/01/2009 18:05:10 ‹DR1665› I'm trying 13/01/2009 18:05:18 ‹noboost› hit F1 harder 13/01/2009 18:05:23 ‹DarkOne› heh 13/01/2009 18:05:24 ‹DarkOne› may be. 13/01/2009 18:05:30 ‹992gnt› i thought you guys knew computers 13/01/2009 18:06:52 ‹DR1665› I know computers are things 13/01/2009 18:06:52 ‹adamzty› go guys, would this work in our cars? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors...meZWDVW 13/01/2009 18:06:56 ‹DR1665› n stuff 13/01/2009 18:06:57 ‹adamzty› *so 13/01/2009 18:07:18 ‹noboost› I though Dino's pic was a vage, then I realized it was his goat 13/01/2009 18:07:20 ‹noboost› *snort 13/01/2009 18:07:39 ‹DR1665› :kewl 13/01/2009 18:08:15 ‹DR1665› ok 13/01/2009 18:08:19 ‹DR1665› brb - (c) 13/01/2009 18:08:24 ‹DR1665› er (ci) 13/01/2009 18:08:50 ‹992gnt› what pic? 13/01/2009 18:08:53 ‹adamzty› dont smoke Driggs 13/01/2009 18:08:59 ‹adamzty› its bad for your health 13/01/2009 18:10:17 ‹992gnt› i can't believe i don't have a pic of driggs with a smoke... 13/01/2009 18:10:40 ‹noboost› http://whack.org/~dan/driggsnips.jpg 13/01/2009 18:10:52 ‹noboost› ^^ driggs with funnels 13/01/2009 18:10:59 ‹992gnt› haha just saw that one 13/01/2009 18:11:07 ‹noboost› http://whack.org/~dan/driggsbent.jpg 13/01/2009 18:11:14 ‹noboost› ^^ driggs with a smoker 13/01/2009 18:11:17 ‹noboost› :shrug 13/01/2009 18:11:44 ‹992gnt› but no smokes? i thought for sure he had a smoke in his hand as he was draped over the grill 13/01/2009 18:12:12 ‹noboost› my california subconcious might have cropped out his right hand 13/01/2009 18:14:16 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...254.JPG 13/01/2009 18:14:58 ‹DR1665› looks like dino has wings/horns/somethin 13/01/2009 18:15:04 ‹noboost› the lawn has stigmata 13/01/2009 18:15:11 ‹992gnt› duh 13/01/2009 18:15:39 ‹DR1665› just think, In four months, there will be pictures of nob00st DOTI 13/01/2009 18:16:01 ‹noboost› and fenix now that i have her hooked on red wine 13/01/2009 18:16:16 ‹DR1665› diabolical plan in effect 13/01/2009 18:16:29 ‹DR1665› wine = hangovers 13/01/2009 18:16:51 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...661.JPG ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...661.JPG 13/01/2009 18:17:10 ‹noboost› i dunno she went from falling asleep after two fruity drinks at a restaurant to a whole bottle of fruity wine in one night 13/01/2009 18:17:46 ‹noboost› ill take whatever i can get 13/01/2009 18:17:47 ‹DR1665› win 13/01/2009 18:18:00 ‹DR1665› vegas was good times 13/01/2009 18:18:02 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...681.JPG 13/01/2009 18:18:10 ‹DR1665› you can see Sean in the picture 13/01/2009 18:18:47 ‹DR1665› Dino - is Sean going to make the wedding? 13/01/2009 18:19:00 * bullettdsm quit (timeout) 13/01/2009 18:19:09 ‹DR1665› "1,2,3 get away from me" 13/01/2009 18:19:12 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:19:13 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...736.JPG 13/01/2009 18:19:29 ‹noboost› dad? 13/01/2009 18:19:42 ‹DR1665› Jen 13/01/2009 18:20:07 ‹992gnt› who? 13/01/2009 18:20:14 ‹DR1665› wat 13/01/2009 18:20:25 ‹992gnt› forgot a "t" 13/01/2009 18:20:33 ‹992gnt› :barza 13/01/2009 18:20:44 ‹DR1665› lulz 13/01/2009 18:21:19 ‹DR1665› when V and I went back for our 1yr, we came across a bum like that 13/01/2009 18:21:25 ‹DR1665› he had plastic horns on his head 13/01/2009 18:21:31 ‹992gnt› nice 13/01/2009 18:21:42 ‹DR1665› walked right up to us and said something about a his gift to us 13/01/2009 18:21:54 ‹DR1665› we said thanks and kept walking 13/01/2009 18:22:06 ‹DR1665› 20 seconds later, he was shouting at the top of his lungs 13/01/2009 18:22:27 ‹DR1665› "I just shit my fucking pants! What're you gonna do about THAT?" 13/01/2009 18:22:34 ‹DR1665› WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT? 13/01/2009 18:22:39 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...065.JPG 13/01/2009 18:22:42 ‹DR1665› Vegas is full of win 13/01/2009 18:22:59 ‹DR1665› Greg is bringing chairs 13/01/2009 18:23:34 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...088.JPG ‹992gnt› HAMMARS!!!!! 13/01/2009 18:23:55 ‹DR1665› lmao 13/01/2009 18:24:03 ‹DR1665› I love when you check out the pictures of Thura on FB 13/01/2009 18:24:15 ‹DR1665› there's like 10 where he's the only one in the picture 13/01/2009 18:24:18 ‹DR1665› drunk off his ass 13/01/2009 18:24:29 ‹DR1665› and the little tool tip pops up "Thura Htein" 13/01/2009 18:24:33 ‹DR1665› "thura" 13/01/2009 18:24:35 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...094.JPG 13/01/2009 18:24:36 ‹DR1665› "thura" 13/01/2009 18:24:39 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:25:04 ‹noboost› were those chairs manufactured in Normal IL perchance? 13/01/2009 18:25:06 ‹DR1665› anyone have pics of the vienna sausage incident? 13/01/2009 18:25:08 * DR1665 wonders if he does 13/01/2009 18:25:50 ‹992gnt› that was the room, but i have no pics of the sausaging 13/01/2009 18:26:13 ‹DR1665› I'm checking az2gnt 13/01/2009 18:28:26 ‹DR1665› http://www.az2gnt.net/events/r...27.html 13/01/2009 18:28:29 ‹DR1665› 2005 13/01/2009 18:28:49 ‹992gnt› death cacti 13/01/2009 18:29:09 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...312.jpg 13/01/2009 18:29:21 ‹992gnt› a kinder, gentler darkone... 13/01/2009 18:29:29 ‹DR1665› Uncle Dino 13/01/2009 18:29:48 ‹noboost› crap, is that blood on xbox? 13/01/2009 18:30:04 ‹DarkOne› Was I drunk? 13/01/2009 18:30:14 ‹DarkOne› Because i don't remember hanging out with the kids. 13/01/2009 18:30:15 ‹992gnt› not at that point 13/01/2009 18:30:17 ‹DR1665› nope 13/01/2009 18:30:20 ‹noboost› and greg, no the caption on that one is "Dino explains 2girls1cup to the youngsters" 13/01/2009 18:30:21 ‹DR1665› beer 13/01/2009 18:30:25 ‹DarkOne› Where the hell was I? 13/01/2009 18:30:29 ‹DarkOne› Was that your house, Greg? 13/01/2009 18:30:29 ‹DR1665› he was sharing a drink with stan's lint roller 13/01/2009 18:30:30 ‹992gnt› haha 13/01/2009 18:30:31 ‹DR1665› http://www.az2gnt.net/events/r...27.html 13/01/2009 18:30:39 ‹noboost› oh ok i was like um thats a lot of blood for cactus holes 13/01/2009 18:31:51 ‹DR1665› only took him 3 years to make it happen 13/01/2009 18:32:00 ‹DR1665› well, 2, since it was 2007, from what I hear 13/01/2009 18:33:28 ‹DR1665› chairs http://az2gnt.net/events/room2...15.html 13/01/2009 18:34:11 ‹992gnt› http://home.fuse.net/wallace/M...med.jpg 13/01/2009 18:35:17 ‹DR1665› the original hammers 13/01/2009 18:35:21 ‹DR1665› classic 13/01/2009 18:35:37 ‹992gnt› whird 13/01/2009 18:35:46 ‹DR1665› funny, there were strippers at 2 out of 3 so far 13/01/2009 18:35:58 ‹DR1665› Dino's Hammers should make that 3 out of 4, imo 13/01/2009 18:35:59 ‹992gnt› que? 13/01/2009 18:36:08 ‹DR1665› your birthday 13/01/2009 18:36:10 ‹992gnt› oh, nevermind 13/01/2009 18:36:13 ‹DR1665› my bachelor's 13/01/2009 18:36:18 ‹992gnt› good god i'm getting old 13/01/2009 18:36:29 ‹DR1665› Thura did kinda get naked, but that doesn't count 13/01/2009 18:36:37 ‹992gnt› how could i forget the vegas strip club experience 13/01/2009 18:36:49 ‹DR1665› upside down with her ass in his face 13/01/2009 18:36:52 ‹DR1665› asian twins? 13/01/2009 18:36:57 ‹992gnt› right 13/01/2009 18:37:03 ‹DR1665› I smelled like hooker poon for days after that 13/01/2009 18:37:27 ‹992gnt› we just kept pitching 20's at them ‹DR1665› it was a good time 13/01/2009 18:37:59 ‹DR1665› nay, it was a GREAT time 13/01/2009 18:38:21 ‹DR1665› wonder where HAMMARS 2010 will be? 13/01/2009 18:38:30 ‹DR1665› atlantic city, maybe? 13/01/2009 18:38:51 ‹992gnt› hmmm 13/01/2009 18:39:41 ‹DR1665› ought to mix it up a bit, ya know?? 13/01/2009 18:39:50 ‹992gnt› what's the weather like in april there? 13/01/2009 18:40:10 ‹DR1665› no idea 13/01/2009 18:40:12 ‹DR1665› never been 13/01/2009 18:40:18 ‹noboost› ew 13/01/2009 18:40:22 ‹DR1665› or we could go to Mexico 13/01/2009 18:40:36 ‹DR1665› Los Ainhelles 13/01/2009 18:41:03 ‹noboost› theres nothing to do here in normex 13/01/2009 18:41:40 ‹992gnt› normex? 13/01/2009 18:41:47 ‹DR1665› aka socal 13/01/2009 18:41:57 ‹992gnt› never heard it called that 13/01/2009 18:42:26 ‹992gnt› us midwesterners generally ignore everything west of the mississippi 13/01/2009 18:42:27 ‹noboost› PRK is another good one... peoples republick of kommiefornia 13/01/2009 18:42:37 ‹992gnt› heard that one 13/01/2009 18:43:03 ‹noboost› 100% accurate. 13/01/2009 18:43:07 ‹DR1665› roffles 13/01/2009 18:44:04 ‹992gnt› we can't hit the beach in april if we go to atlantic city, can we? 13/01/2009 18:44:32 ‹992gnt› how about the keys? 13/01/2009 18:44:43 ‹992gnt› margaritaville 13/01/2009 18:46:57 ‹noboost› you can hit the beach in january here... it was 87* today... but you can't drink 13/01/2009 18:47:24 ‹DR1665› the keys might be nice 13/01/2009 18:47:27 ‹992gnt› then whats the point? 13/01/2009 18:47:39 ‹DR1665› it's California, there is no point 13/01/2009 18:47:43 ‹noboost› exactly... california is perfect, except for the communists that live here. 13/01/2009 18:47:48 ‹992gnt› right, my bad 13/01/2009 18:47:52 ‹noboost› which completely ruin it 13/01/2009 18:48:09 ‹DR1665› perhaps NoLa? Mardis Gras? 13/01/2009 18:48:18 ‹992gnt› mardi gras... 13/01/2009 18:48:34 ‹992gnt› what kind of trouble could we get into there!! 13/01/2009 18:48:40 ‹992gnt› :ninja 13/01/2009 18:48:45 ‹noboost› [-----] <-that much 13/01/2009 18:49:00 ‹992gnt› more than that i bet 13/01/2009 18:49:34 ‹992gnt› wonder how all the women would feel about it... 13/01/2009 18:49:47 ‹noboost› your twit page is broken driggs 13/01/2009 18:49:54 * rstare joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 18:50:10 ‹DR1665› wat 13/01/2009 18:50:44 ‹DR1665› working for me 13/01/2009 18:51:16 * VX100 joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 18:52:18 ‹DR1665› so what do you guys think about this tech chat idea? 13/01/2009 18:52:25 ‹noboost› didnt get an answer on mdadm :( 13/01/2009 18:52:35 ‹DR1665› that means Dino hasn't answered 13/01/2009 18:52:42 ‹DR1665› he hasn't replied on Twitter, either 13/01/2009 18:52:52 ‹noboost› oh. i was trying to cheer him up :-/ 13/01/2009 18:53:24 ‹992gnt› wasn't much tech 13/01/2009 18:53:29 ‹992gnt› but it was fun 13/01/2009 18:53:50 ‹DR1665› true 13/01/2009 18:53:58 ‹VX100› i was thinking that, but I thought I just missed most of the tech stuff 13/01/2009 18:53:59 ‹DR1665› there could have been more tech, but it's a work in progress 13/01/2009 18:54:14 ‹noboost› there were times there were 3 or more questions in the air at once 13/01/2009 18:54:48 ‹DR1665› aye 13/01/2009 18:54:58 ‹noboost› and idiots like me and the nubsauces buying retarded tires didnt know it was a tech chat 13/01/2009 18:55:10 ‹DR1665› and I'm thinking StuckintheskY (Travis) got some good info today 13/01/2009 18:55:27 ‹noboost› so maybe a moderator/spam announcement in a different text color every 30 mins or smth 13/01/2009 18:55:27 ‹DR1665› tires = tech imo 13/01/2009 18:55:30 ‹992gnt› ya 13/01/2009 18:55:30 * bullettdsm joins 2GNT Chat 13/01/2009 18:55:40 ‹DarkOne› it's nondestructive. 13/01/2009 18:55:51 ‹noboost› (Y)(au) 13/01/2009 18:56:30 ‹DR1665› things always go to hell when :barza enters the room 13/01/2009 18:56:41 ‹992gnt› haha 13/01/2009 18:57:09 ‹DR1665› God help us all if he ever meets Gil 13/01/2009 18:57:12 ‹992gnt› you dump your myspace brian? 13/01/2009 18:57:18 ‹DR1665› yes 13/01/2009 18:57:19 ‹992gnt› gil. omg 13/01/2009 18:57:20 ‹DR1665› long time ago 13/01/2009 18:57:20 ‹noboost› (yn) 13/01/2009 18:57:24 ‹noboost› (h5)(h5)(h5)(h5) 13/01/2009 18:57:29 ‹DR1665› just got onto FB a couple weeks ago 13/01/2009 18:57:32 ‹DR1665› out of boredom 13/01/2009 18:57:35 ‹noboost› (n) 13/01/2009 18:57:36 ‹992gnt› yes 13/01/2009 18:57:47 ‹DarkOne› Yeah, 'mdadm -C' is nondestructive, and it's actually the recommended way to recreate an array you don't have a config for. 13/01/2009 18:57:50 ‹DR1665› Dan, I'd say FB is pretty much pointless 13/01/2009 18:57:51 ‹992gnt› i need to make a FB for the band 13/01/2009 18:58:06 ‹DarkOne› However, it's no help at all when the underlying filesystem on the array is completely motherfucked anyway. 13/01/2009 18:58:11 ‹DR1665› but I happened to connect with my best friend from 7th grade that I've been trying to find for ten years this week 13/01/2009 18:58:18 ‹992gnt› teh hole intarweb is pointless 13/01/2009 18:58:23 ‹DR1665› true 13/01/2009 18:58:35 ‹DR1665› but like LinkedIn serves some purpose, it's designed to network professionally 13/01/2009 18:58:37 ‹noboost› thx... im a ext tard, mostly do ntfs arrays, but I try to keep up on the equivalents 13/01/2009 18:58:47 ‹DR1665› Twitter is about short conversations on the fly 13/01/2009 18:58:52 ‹992gnt› i found my HS gf.... 13/01/2009 18:59:04 ‹DR1665› FB seems to be about joining prison gangs and all kinds of goofy gifts or whatever 13/01/2009 18:59:08 ‹992gnt› she wasn't interested in catching up lol 13/01/2009 18:59:14 ‹DR1665› lol 13/01/2009 18:59:18 ‹DarkOne› Yeah, the array rebuild just fine once I made the devicemapper turn the drives loose, but the filesystem was fucked all up anyway. 13/01/2009 18:59:20 ‹992gnt› or even responding to me 13/01/2009 18:59:26 ‹DarkOne› Sucks. 13/01/2009 18:59:26 ‹992gnt› bitch 13/01/2009 18:59:29 ‹noboost› yeah a whole herd of my HS gf's found me, one of the top reasons I deleted my social networking attached to my real name 13/01/2009 18:59:38 ‹DR1665› you saw my ex from 10yrs ago tried to friend me last week? 13/01/2009 18:59:56 ‹DR1665› you should set up an account "No Boost" 13/01/2009 19:00:01 ‹992gnt› who, me? 13/01/2009 19:00:06 ‹DR1665› or "Noboost Fabrications" 13/01/2009 19:00:07 ‹noboost› its so utterly depressing seeing people you remembered being young and hot, all old, fat, and with a grip of kids 13/01/2009 19:00:15 ‹DR1665› a grip of kids 13/01/2009 19:00:26 ‹DR1665› thas only inna mo-nin 13/01/2009 19:00:39 ‹DR1665› I'm-a get dat gold 13/01/2009 19:00:45 ‹noboost› i actually dont mind talking to them until that despair in their voice sets in 13/01/2009 19:00:50 ‹DR1665› / leprechaun 13/01/2009 19:00:53 ‹992gnt› omg a girl i dated in hs - older than me, moved in with me whe i was 16, etc 13/01/2009 19:01:04 ‹noboost› like the movie High Fidelity 13/01/2009 19:01:14 ‹992gnt› now looks 65, 300lbs, and scary as fuck 13/01/2009 19:01:23 ‹992gnt› omg i lucked out dumping her! 13/01/2009 19:01:28 ‹noboost› yeah i dont want that in my inbox in the morning, i REALLY dont 13/01/2009 19:01:31 ‹DarkOne› Dodged a bullet there Greg... 13/01/2009 19:01:58 ‹992gnt› holy fuck you have no idea 13/01/2009 19:02:02 ‹DR1665› Hey, Idon't think she's related to Mark 13/01/2009 19:02:08 ‹992gnt› lemme find her real quick.... 13/01/2009 19:03:15 ‹VX100› that's why it is better to marry someone later in life 13/01/2009 19:03:27 ‹DR1665› agreed 13/01/2009 19:03:29 ‹VX100› if they're young they could turn out looking like shit later on 13/01/2009 19:03:54 ‹VX100› but if you marry someone whe they and you are older, you know what you're getting :) 13/01/2009 19:04:08 ‹DarkOne› yeah. if they're old, they probably already look like shit :) 13/01/2009 19:04:17 ‹VX100› yup 13/01/2009 19:04:29 ‹VX100› but, hey, no surprises 13/01/2009 19:04:45 ‹StuckintheskY› yo 13/01/2009 19:04:52 ‹DR1665› yo 13/01/2009 19:04:58 ‹noboost› oy 13/01/2009 19:05:03 ‹bullettdsm› ho 13/01/2009 19:05:11 ‹VX100› go 13/01/2009 19:05:16 ‹StuckintheskY› find her 13/01/2009 19:05:18 ‹StuckintheskY› lol
Document statistics:
Last modified on 2009-01-13 21:06:10
by DR1665