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General Forum Guidelines

This Message Board is for Owners of 1995-1999 non-turbo Mitsubishi Eclipse and Eagle Talon cars.

The intention of the board is to provide an intelligent, mature, focused and clutter-free environment to discuss issues about these cars. It is moderated only in that objectionable posts will be deleted. The following are the guidelines we operate under:

Specific Guidelines:

- Please only post on issues related to the 2nd Gen non-turbo Eclipse/Talon.
- Posts containing racist and sexist remarks will be promptly deleted.
- Posts containing excessive profanity will be deleted. (A minor amount is tolerated, but people are encouraged to be mature and try to express themselves more eloquently).
- Threats and other attacks directed at individuals will be promptly deleted.
- No flaming, name-calling or otherwise ridiculing people.
- If you take serious exception to something someone says, take it up with them off-line.

General Guidelines:

- When arguing with someone's post, take issue with their point, not with the person. Arguments can be a valuable way of gaining knowledge, but this is not the place for a fight. If you have a real problem with someone, send them an email.
- Be tolerant of other peoples opinions and knowledge levels.
- Do NOT type in ALL CAPS. This makes your message really hard to read, and is _very_ annoying. It also makes you look like a novice computer user.
- Try to keep postings informative and related to the subject.
- Please check your message for grammar and spelling before submitting it.


- Please Read the Forum FAQs at www.2gnt.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=help.

Other Notes:

Login Name:

- Spaces (" ") and Dashes ("-") are not allowed in the Username field. Use an Underscore ("_") instead.
- Restrict your name to a-z, 0-9, and the "_" characters. Using other characters may problems.
- Please use a maximum of 15 characters.


- It can take some time for your password to be delivered to you. It should arrive within 5-10 minutes, but given the net traffic and server load at the time, it may take longer.


- After you have logged in, you should be at the 2gnt Main Forum page. Click the "Users" link at the top of the page. Next, click on the circle next to "Modify your member profile" and press the "Submit" button. This is the Member Information page. On this page, you can enter in any information you wish to be made available to the rest of the users on the Team 2gnt Forum. On the bottom of the Member Information page, you will see a box available for "signature". In this box, you can type in any information you want pre-printed at the bottom of your messages when posting in the 2gnt Forum.
- When actually posting your message, your "signature" information will already exist in the "message". Simply start typing your message BEFORE the "signature" information (place the cursor before your pre-printed "signature" information). By doing so, your signature information will remain at the bottom of your message, providing for a satisfying "signature effect."
- To post a link or a picture of your car (so long as it is on the internet) in your signature, simply post its URL (see next note below).
- The information in the members signatures can be obtained by clicking on the "View Users Profiles" link on the main 2gnt Forum page.

How to post images

- To post a link, simply type in the full url. (ex. "http://www.2gnt.com")
- To post a picture, simply type in the full url. (ex. "http://www.yoursite.com/imagename.jpg")
- Neither of these items should include any other html, as it is not required.
- Please try to keep the images relevant and reasonably small. The quicker they load from their source site, the better it is for everybody. (Consider that some Members may be using slow modems, and don't want to wait for all the images to download to read the content).

Tips on Using the Board:

- PLEASE keep the posts in their relevant Forum.
- Click on the [View All] link by the Forum Topic to see a threaded list of the discussion. You must have the Expand Threads option enabled first.


Document statistics: Last modified on 2006-09-26 15:00:36 by DR1665

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