
These tables encode the X-axis as an additional row in the table, while Y is calculated by interval of a 0-255 scale of input values. This type of 3D table has an X (east-west axis), Y (north-south axis) and a Z (elevation). Transforms can be applied to all three axis.

These 3D tables use a prescaled and interval-calculated X-axis in addition to the interval-calculated Y-axis. These tables have an X (east-west axis), Y (north-south axis) and a Z (elevation). Transforms can be aplied to all three axis.

2D scales only have an X (left column) and a Y (right column). For 2D scales, X and Y tranforms apply to these columns.

A table made up of 10-byte wide rows, each representing the parameters of an internal fault condition. The fields are:

* CodeID: the internal fault ID

* TriggerCount: Number of times the fault must occur in order to store

* Blink Code: the code blinked out by the keydance

*Bit Field: Represents several attributes, including code enable/disable, MIL on/off, Battery Light on/off, and Freeze Frame Priority

* Offset: Determines where in memory the fault status is stored

* PCodeH/L: The high and low byes of the OBD2 P-code for this fault

Custom table type for special non-factory fuel tables

Missing or Invalid file